10 October, 2018




How Do I Study Vocabulary?

Vocabulary is a basic building block for learning a foreign language. By learning just a few words, you can start to communicate in Spanish right away!

You will probably find that it is easier to understand words you hear or read than it is to use them yourself. But with a little practice, you will start to produce the right words in the right context. Soon you will be able to carry on conversations with other Spanish-speakers.

Be Creative

Make flashcards with your new vocabulary words or use our Flashcard Course at Aprende Hablando.

You could also draw pictures of the words on the back of the flashcards.

Group vocabulary words by theme. Add other words that fit the categories you’ve learned.

  • Imagine a picture of the word.
  • Create a rhyme or song to help you remember the words.


Make It Personal

Use vocabulary words to write original sentences. Make them funny so you will be sure to remember!

Label everyday items in Spanish.

Create reminders for difficult words. Put note cards inside your locker door, or on your mirror at home. See it, and say it to yourself! For example, if you are learning colors and clothing words, think of the Spanish word to describe what your friends are wearing.

Practice Makes Perfect

Say your vocabulary words out loud and repeat each word several times.

  • Write each word five times, keeping its meaning in mind.
  • Use Spanish words with your classmates outside of class—if you’re having lunch in the cafeteria, use the words you know for food. Greet your classmates in the hallway in Spanish!

Create Your Own System

Practice a little bit every day. Many short sessions are better than one long one (Remember that we offer a 30-minute lesson program).

Focus on the words that are the hardest for you.

Find a buddy. Quiz one another on the vocabulary words.

  • Keep a vocabulary notebook and update it regularly.


Recognize cognates

Cognates are also called transparent words because they have similar or identical forms and meaning in

both languages.

Even when you re not living abroad, you can clearly still take many measures to learn new vocabulary on a daily basis.

Be patient, be constant and follow a method. And don’t forget to contact us to rock your Spanish!



What do you think about our proposals to learn vocabulary in Spanish? Have you tried any of them? Comment us your personal experience down here ⬇️! We want to know your opinions 😃😃!

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